A simple shmup. It's free / open source! View the source code on GitHub.

A demo of me playing at the "hard" difficulty setting - https://dtsudo.github.io/DT-Danmaku-2-Web-Browser-Version-Demo/DTDanmaku2.html?demo=true

If you're struggling to survive, you can modify the URL parameters to give yourself more damage or number of lives at https://dtsudo.github.io/DT-Danmaku-2-Web-Browser-Version-Demo/DTDanmaku2.html?playerbulletstrength=1&playerbulletspread=1&numlives=3 (Change playerbulletstrength and playerbulletspread to either 1, 2, or 3. Change numlives from 3 to any value you want.)

Technical details: This game was written primarily in C# and compiled to javascript using Bridge.NET.


DTDanmaku2_GameDownload.zip 9.3 MB

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